Vitamin B 12 seeds

45% Of Seniors Are Vitamin B 12 Deficient!

President John F Kennedy had been quoted as saying that without injections of B12, he would never have become president.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Statistics show that almost 45 % of people over the age of 65 are deficient in Vitamin B12. Without enough vitamin B12, we show more prominent aging symptoms like muscle weakness, slowed reactions, memory loss, disorientation, depression, etc.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is associated with hearing loss, and supplement

s help in treating tinnitus and noise-related hearing loss.

Vitamin B12 is needed for the production of DNA, the production of red blood cells, the manufacture of the myelin sheath (the insulation that surrounds our nerves).

Always take B12 together with folic acid.  They work together, and any supplementation program must integrate both of these nutrients.

Vitamin B12 is naturally found in dairy products, eggs, meat, fish and poultry.

B12 For Vegan and Vegetarian

In case you are a vegan or a vegetarian and have always been told that you get all the B12 you would ever require through vegetables and plants…you DON’T. You do need a supplement, especially as you age, to aid you with B12 intake.

Our infusions will boost your Vitamin B12 to give you the energy and zest needed.

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