Our B-Complex, Myers Cocktail and The Boss are the best IV Drips for Energy. They have unique defining benefits that promote hydration, improve digestion, reduce stress, and obviously increase energy!

This trio of IV drips for energy make-up some of our top-selling drips. They provide a perfect balance of multivitamins and hydration to help combat a wide range of symptoms, including inflammation, muscle pain, and fatigue, all while giving you a big boost of energy and improving digestion. With a full calendar of social events, personal commitments, work, school, and family, it is easy to get rundown, exhausted, and plain and simple, wiped out! We often stretch ourselves so thin that it’s hard to find time for ourselves until we don’t have a choice but to pay attention to our bodies. Β 

Never fear, the IV drips for energy are a perfect way to treat your body to a boost of energy. These IV drips for energy can even fit into your busy schedule; they only take about 45 minutes! Come in the morning, during lunch, or make it your happy hour! They are all available at our eight Southern California locations and through our in-home service. These IV drips for energy can also pair perfectly with an additional vitamin booster, added to the IV drip or administered as a shot. Talk to the MD or RN serving you to discuss potential upgrades to this IV drip to maximize your visit and results.


b-complex iv vitamin drip



1. Vitamin B1
2. Vitamin B2
3. Vitamin B3
4. Vitamin B5
5. Vitamin B6
6. Vitamin B9
8. Vitamin B12


iv drip myers cocktail in agoura hills pointinfusion



1. ​Magnesium
2. Vitamin D3
3. Zinc
4. B-Complex
5. B12
6. Vitamin C
7. Folic Acid


iv drip all inclusive in agoura hills pointinfusion



1. Vitamin C
2. B-Complex
3. Magnesium
4. Vitamin D3
5. Zinc
6. B12
7. Glutathione
8. Folic Acid


b-complex iv vitamin drip



1. Vitamin B1
2. Vitamin B2
3. Vitamin B3
4. Vitamin B5
5. Vitamin B6
6. Vitamin B9
8. Vitamin B12


iv drip all inclusive in agoura hills pointinfusion



1. Vitamin C
2. B-Complex
3. Magnesium
4. Vitamin D3
5. Zinc
6. B12
7. Glutathione
8. Folic Acid


iv drip myers cocktail in agoura hills pointinfusion



1. ​Magnesium
2. Vitamin D3
3. Zinc
4. B-Complex
5. B12
6. Vitamin C
7. Folic Acid

iv dehydration in agoura hills pointinfusion

Boosts Mood

iv dehydration in agoura hills pointinfusion

Increases Energy

iv dehydration in agoura hills pointinfusion

Decreased Migraines

iv dehydration in agoura hills pointinfusion

Instant Migration


What are the benefits of IV drip for energy vitamin therapy?

Oral vitamins have to pass through your digestive system. In doing so, an average oral absorption rate is around 25-35% of its potency. IV vitamin therapy, however, allows for 100% absorption because the vitamins are delivered directly into your bloodstream intravenously. If you’re looking to boost your energy, boost your mood, decrease stress, and stay hydrated, we recommend considering one of our three IV drip for energy therapies.

What is the Myers Cocktail IV Drip for Energy Therapy?

The Myers Cocktail IV drip for energy is a form of vitamin therapy done intravenously (or through the use of an IV) that provides vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients directly into your bloodstream allowing for 100% absorption into your system. This particular blend of vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients helps to increase your energy, boost your mood, instantly provide your body with hydration, among others.

Who should consider IV drip for energy vitamin therapy?

The banana bag IV has a few terrific benefits. We recommend it as a great detox and recovery IV therapy, in addition to a hangover recovery option. It provides a great balance between hydration, electrolytes, immunity recovery, and helps to relax you, reducing any anxiety.

Is the Myers Cocktail IV drip for energy good for weight loss?

The Myers Cocktail IV drip is not designed or explicitly marketed to promote weight loss, it is really to impact your energy levels positively. PointInfusion has a few other IV drip therapy’s that are formulated specially to help increase your metabolism and boost your weight loss. For more information on those, please visit our Weight Loss product page here.

What is IV Vitamin B-Complex recommended for?

B-Complex is a terrific IV drip for energy. It is packed with several B vitamins that have a wide-ranging list of benefits. In addition to an energy boost, B-complex is an excellent vitamin to consider if you also maintain a rather unhealthy diet or have been diagnosed with certain dietary deficiencies; b complex supports overall digestive health. It also has been known to reduce stress and reduce the signs of depression and anxiety in some people. But overall, B-Complex is terrific for energy!

How much vitamin b complex should I take for energy?

There are actually varying recommendations of vitamin b complex for women, pregnant women, and men. Our team of doctors and nurses work with each patient to ensure the ideal amount is administered for your needs. Our IV drip for energy is specially designed to give our clients the right amount of B-complex to experience fast and desired results.

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