
There is no true health without happiness

I believe most of us heard the cliche saying – Laughter is the best medicine and this is for a reason. Much research has also proven that one’s level of happiness really can impact one’s level of health. If you want to feel better and positive then you must focus on the things that bring you happiness. Being positive emotionally is not enough. You need to lower your stress, adopt relaxation techniques that will help you to reduce your health problems.

Happiness is the secret behind one’s well being. If you stay happy and keep a positive attitude, it affects your health in a variety of ways, both mentally and physically –

Happiness protects your heart – Love and happiness could be scientifically related to the heart. In research studies, it has been found that happiness predicts a lower heart rate and blood pressure. Happiness reduces heart disease which is the biggest cause of death worldwide. This is not a life-saving technique but staying happy can keep you healthy.

Strong Immune System – We know a healthy immune system is very important for overall health. For example, during quarantine, we have noticed those with more positive emotions had greater resistance to viruses. More happy people are more likely to participate in health-promoting behaviors which promote a healthy immune system. It includes healthy eating and regular physical activity.

It promotes less stress – Stress is not only an upsetting phenomenon in human life but also triggers biological changes in our hormones and blood pressure. Stress increases the cortisol hormone which causes weight gain, sleep deprivation and high blood pressure. With a happy mind, all these effects seem to recover more quickly.

Fewer aches and pain – Unhappiness can be painful – LITERALLY! Studies have found that positive well being may reduce the pain and stiffness associated with the condition. Happiness builds an effective coping strategy among people which reduces the perception of pain.

As you can see how happiness directly or indirectly affects your health. And to meet your fitness needs along with happiness, we at PointInfusion introduce for you IV drips to meet your various demands. We have IV drips for immunity which helps to boost your immunity to IV drips for beauty for your beauty enhancement and many more. You can learn more about our IV drips on our website. Remember! A happy mind leads to a healthy lifestyle.

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