Myers cocktail beads in glass

Have You Tried Our Myers Cocktail? Read About The History Behind It!

IV Myers Cocktail The Fountain of Youth

Eons ago, it was fiction, a legend, a magical ‘Fountain of Youth,’ that increased vitality, gave immunity, and was an anti-aging elixir!  Since ancient history, mankind has sought it until myth became a reality, with the introduction of the Myers Cocktail.

It was in the 1960s when the United States emerging paradigm clashed with the traditional natural culture and set the stage for the rest of a tumultuous century.  However, this turbulence unleashed tremendous discoveries, especially in the medical industry and it was against this stage that internist Dr. John Myer worked out his frustrations on reactive medication and thus emerged the start of what is today known as “Myers Cocktail.”

The total impact of diet and nutrition on the prevention of diseases was only starting to be understood. In those days, research in nutrition as a preventive for diseases was beginning to take root. The first new community health centers were being opened with the new paradigm of trying to prevent the disease instead of addressing it after the fact.

IV of Mixed Vitamins and Minerals

Dr.Myer’s worked on the theory that nutritional absorption into our body and bloodstream was minimal from our digestive tract.  He was struck by the fact that he could mix crucial vitamins and minerals and meld them into an intravenous fluid.

He performed lots of medical tests on animals and then tested the cocktail himself and then onto other willing volunteers.  The results he got were stunning and mind-boggling!

IV Myers Cocktail Has Helped Across The World

It is actually quite sad that the term “Myers cocktail’ was only coined after Dr. Myer’s death in 1984 and the precise formula was lost to the medical fraternity and remained a mystery…Until Dr. Alan Gaby experimented vitamin by vitamin and mineral by mineral and meticulously came up with a formula that duplicated Dr. Myer’s “elixir.”

Dr. Gaby in honor and homage to the man who initiated this whole new concept named his formula after Dr. Myer’s and treated more than 15,000 patients successfully before he published his research in 2002 in the Alternative Medical Review and presented findings at medical seminars across the width and breadth of the United States.

Point Infusion brings this portion to you as an infusion drip in numerous location across Los Angeles to find out more about this fantastic elixir and does write in or call on 8552631487
We would love if you would give us your feedback on how terrific you feel!

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