PointInfusion is an IV vitamin therapy company that offers IV vitamin drips, IV pushes, vitamin shots, and health testing. With eight Southern California locations and a concierge service, PointInfusion has provided services to thousands of residents and visitors. 

In short, anyone! An IV push is a great way to get immediate results from a vitamin treatment in less time than an IV drip. IV drips typically take about 45 minutes. An IV push takes only about 15 minutes. And IV push is also going to have a stronger impact than a quick and straightforward vitamin shot delivered intramuscularly. You might decide to opt for an IV push because it only takes 15 minutes versus an IV drip that typically takes about 45 minutes. Or, perhaps you don’t feel like or need the extra hydration that an IV drip provides, so an IV push might be a better option. An IV push is typically a high dose of a specific vitamin or mix of vitamins. A vitamin booster shot is often less concentrated and a smaller dose. Whichever you choose, we offer all three – B-Complex IV drip, IV push, and vitamin shot.

Anytime something is administered directly into your bloodstream, you have a 100% absorption rate. An IV push is done through an IV that is inserted into your vein most often in your arm or your hand/wrist area. That access allows for the high dose vitamin, mineral, or micronutrient to go directly into your bloodstream versus a vitamin shot that is administered intramuscularly. The dosing amounts are often different; the IV push being a more concentrated and high dose versus the vitamin shot.

To start, one of our MD’s (medical doctor) or RN’s (registered nurse) will start an IV, usually placed in the elbow crease of your arm. The MD or RN will prepare the bag of saline by adding all the appropriate vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients, one at a time into the solution before turning on the IV. Intravenous vitamin therapy provides vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients directly into your bloodstream allowing for 100% absorption into your system. In contrast, oral vitamins pass through your digestive system where less than 100% of their potency gets absorbed into your system. 

Typically and IV Drip will take about 30 – 45 minutes. During that time we encourage you to relax, watch something on TV, read a book, or close your eyes. 

It shouldn’t. There may be a small pinch when the needle enters your skin and then your vein, but it should not be painful. The drip itself may feel a little cold in your veins at first, but in general, you won’t notice anything at all at the site of the IV.

You could start to feel the effects as quickly as a few minutes after the IV Drip has begun. Some people feel better, more energized, and less sluggish right away while others may notice differences the next day or over the next few days.

You can purchase an IV drip one of two ways. You can purchase them online by visiting our SHOP page and then booking your appointment at one of our eight locations. Or you can book your appointment either online or by calling  (855) 263-1487 first and then paying at the time of your appointment. 

We do not accept private insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. However, we do accept FSA or HSA cards for payment as many health plans with health savings accounts or flexible spending accounts reimburse for our services. If you need a description of services or a detailed superbill, we are happy to provide you with one at your appointment. 

On average we would recommend getting an IV treatment once a month. However, some clients seek treatment for specific aliments more and/or less frequently. Our team of doctors and nurses are happy to provide you with a customized treatment plan if desired.